The Versatile Blogger Award! Thanks a ton Tazein!

Here comes my second award. I am so happy to be called the VERSATILE BLOGGER! #IamGrinning 😀 😀
Thank you Tazein ! You took me by surprise and what a lovely surprise it was!

Toeing Tazein’s line- Following RULES.

1. Display the Award logo on your Blog.

2.Announce your win with a post and thank the blogger who nominated you.
Did that already 😉

3.Present deserving bloggers with the Award.
My 10.
1. White Pearl
2. randomlyabstract
3.Funky Writer
4. Dancinmoma
5.Jennifer Seifert 
8.Uncomfortably Honest And Honestly Uncomfortable
9.ESGEE Musings
10.Hanne T. Fisker

4. Link your nominees in the post and let them know of their nomination with a comment.
Yes. will do that soon.

5.Post 7 things about yourself.

PS’ Seven Symptoms.
1. I am a Girl.
I am fragile- handle me with care.
I am tough- test me if you dare. 😀
2. I am in search of some lasting happiness, hidden in a dream, underneath the    skies of Mussoorie.
3. I am a Marriage Martyr since december2012 😦
4. I am an Bachelor of Arts in Engineering 😉 (if any such branch exists). Software engineer by compulsion. Sociologist by choice.
5. I have parents who put little effort in naming me. Hence I have a weird pet-name which is mostly confused to be my pet’s name. Refer Honey Gets Funny to know more.
6. I aspire to be an author someday. But I guess people will read my stuff posthumously, out of sympathy for the poor-soul-who-died-without-being-famous! Huh!!
7.My blog is like my baby. My brainchild. If one day this website crashes and my thoughts are lost- I will go Insane. Yes insane for sure!

If you are not yet bored and still eager to know more about this famous personality. 😛 please visit- If Ignorance is Bliss. It has to be This!

Done! Now off to mailing my nominees. 🙂


57 responses to “The Versatile Blogger Award! Thanks a ton Tazein!

  1. Pingback: Versatile Blogger Award, thanks Tazein and Sue! | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Participate in Annual Bloggers meet and register yourself for Kolkata on 2nd March 2014. If anyone interested please register yourself here

  3. Congratulation Pamela ,thank you for liking my post.Happy Valentine’s day.jalal

  4. Pingback: Awards 2013 | Randomlyabstract's Blog

  5. Congratulations Pamela and best wishes for the season!

  6. Great job, i love reading you. God bless with your love ones.

  7. Pamela! 😦 No post yet. 😦 Umm sorry to annoy but..

  8. Heeyy, Congrats Pamela, Indeed you are the versatile blogger ! 🙂
    Pretty humorous facts you got there 😉

  9. Kudos to you for the award Pamela…:) and that “bio part” was hilarious. 😀

  10. Awww how ADORABLE points !! Really I did Aww like in real 😛 Your blog is like a baby to you and you seems like a baby to me now 😛 So cute. Love the poetry in first point…I would steal it one day 😛 😛
    And I am a gonna be Martyr of marriage 😦 Wish me luck ….
    You are an awesome author and you don’t know it I guess !
    And how about cooking ? Do you cook ? My life is in danger these days as my mom keep taunting me 😦
    P.S Thanks for the Award I love it 🙂

    • cooooooooooking is something i am really scared of 😦
      my mummy was totally unsuccessful in civilising me into being bahu lessons! 😉
      my saasu maa is very unlucky…i am a perfectly imperfect bahu in this world 😛
      n i wud be so happy if u consider my thoughts worthy of stealing 😉
      loads of luck on being a marriage martyr!
      the award is well deserved for u dear!

  11. Congratulations once again pam….. 🙂
    I wish u be awarded with much more…so that i congratulate my friend every time…God bless you dear 🙂

  12. capable of or adapted for turning easily from one to another of various tasks, fields of endeavor,literature etc…
    Now I well understand ‘Versatile’ 🙂
    thanks N Congrats .

  13. Yay! congratulations dearie!!! way to go!

  14. Love point 4 😀 And point 3 missed a curve. ” 🙂 and not 😦 ” 😉
    About point 7, my blog means alot to me too. And I often wonder who will inform my readers when I die that Im no more 😉 And then I SHOULD delete it before i die, only if i knew when that day will come 😀
    Congratulationsss and thank you!!!

  15. Congratulations…
    All d best for the Persuit of HappYness :)=)

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